About cambridgeCBT
Dr. Lerner is a staff psychologist in the Behavioral Medicine Program at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and an Instructor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School (HMS), where he has been for over a decade. In his work at MGH and HMS, Dr. Lerner provides Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for a variety of psychological issues, supervises interns and residents in CBT and behavioral medicine, consults with the Division of Gastroenterology where he directs the gastroenterology rotation of the Behavioral Medicine Predoctoral Internship track, and has been involved in research looking at the relaxation response and mindfulness at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine.
Dr. Lerner completed his graduate training at the University at Albany’s Center for Stress and Anxiety Disorders, and the Boston University Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders where he was involved in the research and treatment of panic disorder, agoraphobia, and specific phobia CBT. Dr. Lerner completed a Predoctoral internship at the Boston VA / Tufts University Medical School Internship Consortium where he had major rotations in Behavioral Medicine and Outpatient Psychology. After his graduate training, Dr. Lerner completed a two year post-Doctoral fellowship in Behavioral Medicine at HMS and MGH.
Dr. Lerner also has training in clinical hypnosis from the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) and has been providing clinical hypnosis for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) for the past 5 years at MGH. Clinical hypnosis for IBS has been shown in numerous studies to lead to clinically significant improvements in IBS symptoms as well as quality of life. Summaries and references of the research on clinical hypnosis can be found at https://ibshypnosis.com/IBSresearch.html.